Palm Sunday – make a cross

This Sunday coming – 5th April – is Palm Sunday.

Usually on Palm Sunday as you enter the church you would be given a palm cross to wave. That’s not really possible this year, so instead, I’m going to ask you to be creative. If you want to join in, please follow the instructions on this page. You will need a suitably-coloured sheet of paper or card. I’ll also go through the instructions for you on Sunday in case anyone cannot work out what to do.

Then be ready to wave it joyfully on Sunday.

Looking forward to “seeing” you then.


29th March services

Services are now available via the “Online Services” page. However, if you prefer to download the video to watch offline, please use the links on this page.

This week I have two service options for you.

If you would like the full service of Holy Communion, please click here. There is also an order of service to download and print available here, but everything you need is also on the screen.

If you would like a shorter service with more modern songs, please click here.

If you struggle to hear my sermon, you can find a similar text here.

I hope you find something you can use.

With love, Matt

Online services

My intention is to upload a service for you to watch each week. There will always be a service of Holy Communion, but I hope to add some less formal or shorter services as well. Do come back to this site each week to download the latest service(s).

Because most of the services have copyrighted music and words in them, I have had to buy licences which permit the use of this material on a website. The copyright holders have been very generous, but their intention is to enable people who would or might otherwise attend our churches in person to do so online. Please respect these limits. If you wish to share the videos more widely, please use the version without the songs which are not subject to copyright.

Message from Matt

Dear Friends

As you are aware, we have now had to close our church buildings completely for the foreseeable future. These are sad times for all of us, not just those who attend church regularly.

But there are things we can do. So let me draw your attention to three of them:

1 Please stay at home as much as possible. This saves lives. It is the single most useful thing each of us can do.

2 Be proactive in offering or asking for help. There are some who will slip through the official system. If that is you, please ask for help. And if we keep in touch with our neighbours, they shouldn’t slip through the net either.

3 Join us in prayer and worship. We can no longer gather physically, but we are hoping to make a number of services available for you to read, listen to or watch. Keep coming back to this site for more information.

I am praying for you every day, as are many others around you. If there is anything specific for which we can pray, do please let me know.

With every blessing


Welcome to our new blog

Please keep an eye on the news page – I will be sharing updates on the current situation and what we are doing to support the church and wider community at this challenging time for the nation and world.