17th May Services

The services for this Sunday should be online shortly. This week I have recorded a slightly informal communion service, and a said matins (traditional language service). The sermon is the same in each.

You can download them directly from the links below, as well as paper copies of the texts if you want them (all the world you need will be on the screen).

Matins: video, service sheet

Communion: video, service sheet

Readings and sermon

They are also available on youtube again. Just look for Oldbury Benefice, and hopefully they will appear shortly.



10th May online services

Dear all

This week’s online services are available. This time from three places.

You can go to the “Online Services” section of this website, click on the link for 10th May and then on the text under the small video picture. Then click on the larger picture of the video to watch.

You can download the usual quality versions from this website (right click, and choose “Download as…” or “Save as…” :
Family Service

Or you can view the videos in Youtube at:
Communion – https://youtu.be/5jviFRRQYYk
Family service – https://youtu.be/yKVsLTZTfZY
Youtube allows me to post larger quality versions which you can watch on more devices like Apple TV, but there are sometimes problems because of the songs (I do have the licences to show them, but Youtube doesn’t know that).

They are all the same, so just choose one option!

Villages Magazine

As you know, we have had to pause production of the Villages magazine for the next few months. However, there is still news we wish to share around the villages, so we will be producing an A4 newsletter every few weeks. The first one is available via the “Villages Magazine” link above. Do feel free to download, print and share as you wish; we are trying to make sure that those without internet or social media access are also informed about what is going on.

Matt, Paul and Adrian

3rd May 2020 service

The Sunday service will shortly be online to watch.

A couple of comments. First, it is just one service this week, and I wasn’t able to get too much child-friendly material for the topic that I could use (for copyright reasons). So I have also posted a link to a child-friendly version of the Gospel story if you want it.

Secondly, at the end of the service, there is a brief pause, and then another 8 minutes or so of sermon. Please feel free to stop before this if you wish, it is just some extra material that felt too long for the service, but which some might want to watch as well.



26th April services online

The services for this Sunday are now online to watch online in the “Online Services” section. If you want to download them to watch offline (or because your internet is slow), then right click (or press and hold your finger down for a couple of seconds if you have a tablet like an iPad) on the links below and choose to download the files. You can also left click on the links below, but the videos might be a little small.

Normal communion service.

More modern/informal service.