Rogation Sunday 2024

Every year in September or October we thank God for the food we have to eat. But in the particular state we are in at the moment, it seems appropriate to take a Sunday to ask him for help as well. Our farmers are facing challenging times for many reasons, and it is good to support them and pray for them.

So this Sunday (5th May) we will be using the morning service at Heddington at 10.30am to ask for God’s blessing on our farmers and all those involved in the production of food in our community, as well as reflecting on the role each of us can play.

Do come and join us if you can, or simply take some time to remember our farmers in your prayers.

Harvest 2022

Come and join us to celebrate the food we have to eat and to pray for our farmers and those involved in providing us with food. Gifts of food will be taken as usual to the Calne food bank to be shared with those less well off than ourselves. Do please check their website for what they do (and don’t) want.

The services this year are:

Calstone, 25th September at 9.45am
Cherhill, 25th September at 10.00am
Compton Bassett, 25th September at 11.15am
Yatesbury, 9th October at 9.45am
Heddington, 25th September at 11.15am

We would love to see you if you can make it. The services are suitable for all ages.

The Oldbury Benefice

Remembrance 2021 Heddington

This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. Although we no longer have a limit on how many people gather in church for a service, we still need to be cautious.

This Sunday’s service will therefore start in the church, but we will be moving outside a little earlier than usual, and holding the entire Act of Remembrance (including the reading of names and the two minutes’ silence) at or near the Garden of Remembrance. So do make sure that you come prepared for the weather.

I know this is a break from tradition, and we all hope that next year will be more normal, but we feel that this is a way to pay our respects in an appropriate way without putting anyone at unnecessary risk.

Remembrance 2021 Cherhill – outside the Manor House

Although there are no legal limits this year on numbers who can attend a service in church, we are still operating on a 50% capacity basis just to be on the safe side.

As we will be joined by the 1st Cherhill Scout troop as usual, we felt that there was a high chance that we will be (considerably) above this limit, and that the service should therefore take place outside.

So please come prepared for the weather as we will stay outside even if it rains.

To avoid everyone having to find somewhere to stand in the churchyard, Oliver and Belinda Haslam have very kindly given us permission to use the car parking area outside the Manor House to hold the service. There should be plenty of space, but please could I remind you that this is someone’s private property, and to make sure any little ones in your care don’t go wandering off.

This was a difficult decision, as it will be cold, and I know some of you find it hard to stand for long periods, but I hope this allows us to gather as a village in remembrance without people worrying about whether they might get sick.

Remembering HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Dear friends,

Yesterday was a day of sad news for all of us, but especially for Her Majesty the Queen and the royal family. Please hold them in your thoughts and prayers.

At such a time as this, there would usually be many opportunities for individuals to show their respect and gratitude to the Prince, as well as their love and concern for the Queen. However, we are still limited in what we can do, and Her Majesty has made it clear that she does not wish any of the mourning to put anyone at increased risk and that therefore no special exceptions are made to general regulations at this time.

In the light of these restrictions, it seemed that the simplest and legally safest approach was to change our services tomorrow (Sunday 11th April) to give people a chance to pay their respects.

As always, let me encourage you to make your decisions based on your own circumstances. No one should put themselves or others at extra risk. To this end, weather- and technology-permitting, we intend to offer the following options:

1 Services in each parish church, with attendance up to the maximum allowed under Covid regulations. Each service will also be amplified into the church yard. This way if the numbers are above the maximum, or if you simply prefer not to gather inside at this time, it should be possible for you to join with others.

2 The service in St Andrew’s, Heddington will be streamed live via Facebook. The link is and should work even if you do not have a Facebook account. However, the internet is not always reliable, so please accept my apologies if this doesn’t work, and consider option 3 below.

3 A recording of that service will be made available afterwards on this website to watch when you wish.

The service times are as follows:

St Mary’s, Calstone 9.45am
St James’, Cherhill 10am
St Andrew’s, Heddington 11.15am
St Swithin’s, Compton Bassett 2.30pm
All Saints, Yatesbury 4pm

With every blessing

Matt and team