The plan is to offer a relatively normal programme, but I would like to offer a couple of comments:
1 Everything is subject to change
We have made our decisions based on Covid staying more or less in check. If that changes, especially if the Government issues new guidelines or compulsory rules, we may need to make changes, possibly even quite late. Do please check Facebook or this website, where we will try to give you as much warning as possible, and then share the news wider if possible!
2 Please keep each other safe
Even if the law doesn’t change, we need to keep each other safe. So we will be reintroducing wearing masks in church for the Christmas period. I would rather do this than cancel the singing! Additionally, if you are able, please could you consider taking a lateral flow test before coming. They are free and easy to get and use, and will help us avoid spreading the virus unnecessarily to each other.
For all the services, either visit the Christmas 2021 page, or go to the page for your own village in the “Our Churches” section.
I really look forward to seeing lots of you over this special season.